Marvel超級英雄宇宙故事將於香港迪士尼樂園度假區進一步延續。於D23迪士尼全球粉絲大會(D23: The Ultimate Fan Event)中發佈香港迪士尼樂園Marvel主題延伸區域嘅最新消息。根據最新概念圖,可見2016年所公佈嘅Marvel計畫有重大變更,相信會使用類似驚魂古塔(Tower of Terror)嘅遊樂設施系統。
D23: The Ultimate Fan Event revealed the latest updates on the Marvel expansion at Hong Kong Disneyland. According to the latest concept art, significant changes have been made to the plans announced in 2016, the attraction seems to have a ride system similar to the Tower of Terror.
剛公布的全新項目將會是香港迪士尼於明日世界Marvel 主題擴建的第三步曲,是一個全新的延伸區域,為賓客提供娛樂、購物及餐飲體驗。此項目將進一步擴大Marvel超級英雄宇宙於香港迪士尼的規模,吸引更多世界各地的粉絲,對抗Marvel宇宙當中來自不同故事的邪惡組織。
Although only one concept image of the attraction’s interior was released during the event, the new project will be an extension of Stark Expo, and will also include entertainment, shopping, and dining experiences according to the park.