近日迪士尼於香港知識產權署註冊數個與「迪士尼郵輪」有關嘅商標,包括「迪士尼郵輪」標誌,及即將以星加坡為母港嘅「迪士尼探險號(Disney Adventure)」嘅中英文商標。
雖然「迪士尼探險號(Disney Adventure)」嘅航行路線尚未公佈,而商標註冊亦並非直接代表船隻日後會有停泊香港嘅航線。但香港迪士尼樂園作為與船隻母港星加坡最接近嘅迪士尼樂園度假區,如果船隻日後停泊香港,可以與樂園產生協同效應。

Recently, Disney has registered several trademarks related to “Disney Cruise Line” with the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department. These include the “Disney Cruise Line” logo and the trademarks for the upcoming ship “Disney Adventure,” which will be based in Singapore for the first 5 years.
Although the routes for the “Disney Adventure” have not yet been announced, and trademark registration does not necessarily mean that the ship will have routes to Hong Kong. However, Hong Kong Disneyland, being the closest Disney Resort to the ship’s home port in Singapore, could create a synergistic effect if the ship were to dock in Hong Kong in the future.