遊樂設施 | Attractions

D23公佈香港迪士尼全新Marvel主題延伸區域及遊樂設施 | New Marvel Expansion at HKDL Announced during D23

Marvel超級英雄宇宙故事將於香港迪士尼樂園度假區進一步延續。於D23迪士尼全球粉絲大會(D23: The Ultimate Fan Event)中發佈香港迪士尼樂園Marvel主題延伸區域嘅最新消息。根據最新概念圖,可見2016年所公佈嘅Marvel計畫有重大變更,相信會使用類似驚魂古塔(Tower of Terror)嘅遊樂設施系統。 D23: The Ultimate Fan Event revealed the latest updates on the Marvel expansion at Hong Kong Disneyland. According to the latest concept art, significant changes have been made to the plans announced in 2016, the attraction seems to have a ride system similar to the Tower of Terror. …

D23公佈香港迪士尼全新Marvel主題延伸區域及遊樂設施 | New Marvel Expansion at HKDL Announced during D23 Read More »

「森林河流之旅」加入全新「探險家・冒險家學會」故事線 | New Society of Explorers and Adventurer (S.E.A) Storyline Added to Jungle River Cruise

「森林河流之旅」加入全新「探險家・冒險家學會(S.E.A.)」嘅故事線。大家熟悉嘅探險家爬上樹幹被野生動物圍困一幕,更新後加入新角色,變成一班參與森林探險團嘅科學家。 The New Society of Explorers and Adventurer (S.E.A) storyline has been added to the HKDL’s version of Jungle River Cruise. New characters – a group of scientists participating in a forest expedition – have been added to the iconic Trapped Safari scene. 而樂園亦公開4位國際科學家及1位船長嚮導嘅人物設定及詳情,呢班科學家受過高等教育兼經驗豐富,背景文化各有不同,來自唔同嘅國家及科學領域。佢哋嘅職業分別係:鳥類學家、人類學家、植物學家及地質學家。而最底嘅就係船長嚮導。當中地質學家係來自香港嘅新角色-石磊碩博士。 HKDL also revealed details on the new characters, including an ornithologist, …

「森林河流之旅」加入全新「探險家・冒險家學會」故事線 | New Society of Explorers and Adventurer (S.E.A) Storyline Added to Jungle River Cruise Read More »

泰山樹屋 1月18日重新開放

更新 Updates: 18 Jan 2024 「泰山樹屋」今日終於重新開放,「前往泰山樹屋之木筏」亦重新投入服務。時隔多年,終於可以再次走入泰山樹屋嘅每一個場景,亦終於可以喺樹屋嘅高處眺望已經完成嘅奇妙夢想城堡。 “Tarzan’s Tree House” has finally reopened today along with the “Rafts to Tarzan’s Tree House”. After years of hiatus, we can once again explore the treehouse and finally enjoy a nice view of the completed Castle of Magical Dreams for the first time since the castle transformation from the …

泰山樹屋 1月18日重新開放 Read More »

魔雪奇緣世界開幕首日 | First Day of World of Frzoen

「魔雪奇緣世界」大門正式於今日(11月20日)上午11點半打開,樂園於園區舉行開幕典禮。 The gates are finally open at “World of Frozen”! 開幕典禮完結後,阿德爾王國正式迎接首批賓客! The Kingdom of Arendelle welcomes the first guests! 「魔雪奇緣世界」開幕首日「魔雪奇幻之旅」及「雪嶺滑雪橇」嘅等候時間,而園區會根據人流狀況而進行人流管制,或需要分批進入園區。 而於開幕當日,兩屆親善大使同時現身歡迎首批賓客。 The ambassador duos of 2022-2023 and 2024-2025 jointly welcomed the first group of guests. 另外,樂園官方手機應用程式亦更新咗「魔雪奇緣世界」開場動畫。

香港迪士尼樂園鐵路 11月17日再次啟航

闊別4年多,香港迪士尼宣布「香港迪士尼樂園鐵路」將於11月17日再次啟航!而樂園鐵路更會率先於11月15日下午開出特別班次。 After more than 4.5 years of closure, the Hong Kong Disneyland Railroad will resume service on 17 November! 更新 Updates: 15 Nov 2023 香港迪士尼樂園鐵路於今日下午開出特別班次,讓大家率先登上蒸氣火車。樂園鐵路將於11月17日正式再次投入服務。 相隔4年多後,大家可首次於火車內望見「奇妙夢想城堡」。而樂園鐵路嘅旁白亦有更新,加入魔雪奇緣世界嘅介紹及更新明日世界Marvel設施嘅描述。 Hong Kong Disneyland Railroad ran special train services this afternoon, for guests to be among the first to board the train before it officially resumes service on November 17th. …

香港迪士尼樂園鐵路 11月17日再次啟航 Read More »

夢想花園中式涼亭 翻新完畢換上新色系

夢想花園嘅「中式涼亭」已經翻新完畢並換上新色系。 涼亭本來嘅細節都有明顯改動,「木須」角架裝飾於今次翻新移除,而天花嘅燈籠亦覆蓋原有嘅花紋,似乎想淡化花木蘭嘅元素。 The pagoda gazebo in the Fantasy Gardens has been renovated and has received a new colour scheme. The original details of the gazebo have undergone some changes. The Mushu-shaped decorative brackets have been removed, and patterns on the ceiling lantern have been covered with blue paint, seemingly toning down the presence of “Mulan”.

Duffy與好友遊玩屋加入冬日裝飾 | Winter Decors Added to Duffy and Friends Playhouse

「Duffy與好友遊玩屋」加入冬日裝飾。由11月17日起,大家可以同換上全新冬日服飾嘅Duffy與好友喺遊玩屋見面。 Winter decors have been added to “Duffy and Friends Playhouse”. Duffy and his friends will greet guests starting from 17 Nov in brand new winter costumes. 閱讀更多 Read More:

魔雪奇幻之旅彩蛋 | Easter Eggs at Frozen Ever After

喺遊樂設施向幻想工程師致敬一向都係迪士尼嘅傳統,呢個傳統亦喺「魔雪奇緣世界」入面見到。 「魔雪奇幻之旅」排隊區入面嘅一張運冰匠送貨名單上面就有出現咗一啲既熟悉但又帶有北歐風格嘅名字,包括M. Den Dulken(對應華特迪士尼幻想工程執行創意總監鄧杜文Michel Den Dulk)及C. Amandahl(對應華特迪士尼幻想工程(亞洲)高級監製焦雅欣Amanda Chiu)。 An interesting easter egg can be found at the queue area of “Frozen Ever After”, where the names of the Imagineers (with a Scandinavian twist) can be seen on Kristoff’s Record of Deliveries.

魔雪奇幻之旅 – 排隊區

等候「魔雪奇幻之旅」期間大家會經過阿德爾御用運冰匠-基斯托夫嘅工作坊、除咗擺放咗佢嘅雪橇,仲會見到馴鹿斯特儲存乾草嘅地方,同貯存冰塊嘅倉庫。而上船嘅位置就以夜間嘅阿德爾小鎮為主題,喺夏雪節下滿佈阿德爾嘅旗幟及燈飾。 「魔雪奇緣世界」嘅細緻程度除咗遍佈園區各處嘅嘅細節之外,兩大遊樂設施嘅排隊區亦非常用心並充滿細節,可以話係樂園開園以來最細緻嘅排隊區。 完整片段 Queue & Full Ride Video: