「森林河流之旅」加入全新「探險家・冒險家學會」故事線 | New Society of Explorers and Adventurer (S.E.A) Storyline Added to Jungle River Cruise


The New Society of Explorers and Adventurer (S.E.A) storyline has been added to the HKDL’s version of Jungle River Cruise. New characters – a group of scientists participating in a forest expedition – have been added to the iconic Trapped Safari scene.


HKDL also revealed details on the new characters, including an ornithologist, anthropologist, botanist, and geologists. The one at the bottom is an expedition guide. The main new character is geologists Dr. Lui-shek Shek from Hong Kong.

Dr. Ajay Beta



Dr. Ajay Beta, an ornithologist from India, is one of the world’s foremost experts on birds of equatorial Africa. He is actually excited about being high up on the tree, since it gives him a good perch from which he can watch birds, a large nest of one sits on top of the tree.

His bag also shows he’s carrying his own textbook, Fine Feathered Fowl.

Dr. Amelia Armstrong

岩士唐博士是來自牙買加的人類學家,也是探險家‧ 冒險家學會 (Society of Explorers & Adventurers) 的成員。她穿著牙買加島嶼色彩繽紛的傳統服裝,背包上印有S.E.A.的標誌,而分別於排隊區和搗亂營地場景中的貨箱亦印有同樣標誌。


Dr. Amelia Armstrong, an anthropologist from Jamaica, is a member of S.E.A. She is wearing her island’s traditional and colorful garb and S.E.A. logos can be found on her backpack, and on one of the crates at the queue area and Trashing the Camp scene respectively.

She is one of the world’s foremost experts of cultures and how people behave and interact. She managed to grab her backpack with her research books and her voluminous notes before scaling the tree. She observes the behavior of the people on the tree and mentally takes notes.

Dr. Rosalinda Isabella Sampaguita Dimalanta


Dr. Rosalinda Isabella Sampaguita Dimalanta, a botanist from the Philippines, is one of the world’s foremost botanists, Dr. Dimalanta has personally collected and identified 357 different species of flowers and plants, a world record. She has a sack full of flowers and plants she’s collected on the trip.

Dr. Lui-shek Shek


Dr. Lui-shek Shek from Hong Kong, is one of the world’s foremost geologists. He wears safety goggles and a hard hat with a toolbelt holding a rock hammer, shovel, magnifying glass, and compass. Dr. Shek also has a heavy bag of rocks he collected which, unfortunately, weighs him down a bit.

Skip Langley

來自美國的史傑•蘭利船長並不是世界頂級的嚮導,赤腳逃離營地時 只穿著了卡其色長褲及長袖襯衣。從他表情看來,船長似乎是這群人中唯一一個真正害怕犀牛的人,因為犀牛正用尖角向他的臀部瞄準呢。

American Skip Langley is not one of the world’s foremost guides. He escaped from camp barefoot, wearing only his hat, khaki pants and a long sleeve t-shirt. From the look on his face, Skip appears to be the only one of the group actually terrified of the rhino on his rear.

Boathouse Queue



All of the crates, barrels, trunks and equipment here indicate that this remote boathouse serves as a storage and supply outpost, a shipping facility and a landing and departure dock for river traffic. The queuing area is filled with objects related to Dr. Shek. At the entrance, there are rice wine ordered by Dr. Lui and bags of mineral rock sample. There are also botanical supplies of Dr. Dimalanta, shipment belonging to Dr. Armstrong, with an S.E.A. (Society of Explorers & Adventurers) logo on the crate and books ordered by Dr. Ajay Beta.


Next to the office, there are rocks, mineral and gemstone specimens that Dr. Shek has collected from around the world.


The props reveal the first mineral specimen collected by Dr. Shek is a piece of marble mined in Hong Kong in 1906. In fact, Hong Kong had abundant mineral resources and a thriving mining industry in 1906, with Lantau Island being one of the areas where marble could be found.

辦公室外擺放一幅由Dr. Ajay Beta收藏嘅雀鳥繪畫係故事線嘅引子。

During the scientists’ expedition, their camp is ransacked by gorillas. The scientists then get trapped by rhinos and hyenas during their expedition and climb up a tree pole. The ornithologist then discovers the stork depicted in the painting from the queue area.


Plant drawing by Dr. Rosalinda Isabella Sampaguita Dimalanta.

於辦公室入面,可以見到船長寫的筆記、裝有驅蟲劑的木桶及灕江淑女號模型。 而時鐘上的時間正正是9時12分(9月12日為香港迪士尼樂園開幕日期)。

Note written by skippers, barrels of insect repellants and boat model of the Lijiang Lady can also been found inside the office. The time displayed on the clock is exactly 9:12 (September 12 marks the opening date of Hong Kong Disneyland).


營地四周散佈各種物品, 包括:
– 石磊碩博士的工具
– 阿積•彼達博士的雀粟和有關雀鳥的書籍
– 蘿莎蓮薘•苡莎蓓菈•莘葩薏荅•蒂蔴蘭薘博士的植物
– 科學家們的地圖
– 印有「探險家‧冒險家學會」(S.E.A.)標誌的貨箱,這批貨物是阿美莉雅•岩士唐博士訂購的
– 酒瓶和酒桶散落一地,顯示科學家們似乎曾在那裏開派對
– 一隻猩猩發現了史傑•蘭利船長的狩獵外衣
– 幾件晾曬著的衣服,這些衣服屬於科學家們

The boat comes upon a campsite being ransacked by a band of frisky lowland gorillas. It is knwon that the campsite belongs the team of international scientists.

Some items you can find in this scene, such as:
– Geologist’s tools belonging to Dr. Lui-shek Shek
– Dr. Ajay Beta’s bird seed and bird books
– Exotic plants belonging to Dr. Rosalinda Isabella Sampaguita Dimalanta
– Scientists’ map
– Shipment belonging to Dr. Amelia Armstrong, anthropologist, with an S.E.A. logo on a crate
– Wine bottles and wine barrel – it looks like the scientists were having a party
– Skip Langley’s safari jacket held by a gorilla
– Hanging clothes for drying, belonging to the four scientists


The boats come upon five people in a highly compromised position: treed by an extremely large black rhinoceros possessing a very long and pointy horn aimed at the backside of the person lowest on the trunk. This is the team of international scientists and their skipper absent from the previous scene.


The scene with the headhunters was changed to have indigenous people shoot poisoned arrows instead.

相片及資料整合: HKDL Fantasy

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