Hong Kong Disneyland announced event overview of 2024:
2024.01.25日 – 2024.02.25
「奇妙年年」龍年活動 | “Magical Year After Year” Lunar New Year Celebration

活動焦點 | Event Highlights:
1. 全新「米奇喜舞慶龍年」舞台表演
Brand-new “Mickey’s Year of the Dragon Celebration” Castle Stage Show
2. 米奇與好友及Duffy與好友龍年新服飾
New costumes for Mickey & Friends and Duffy & Friends
3. 樂園龍年新裝飾
New park decorations
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奇妙年年 2024 | MAGICAL YEAR AFTER YEAR 2024
「奇妙年年」農曆新年活動2024 – 裝飾一覽 | “MAGICAL YEAR AFTER YEAR 2024” PARK DECORATIONS
2024.03.15 – 2023.06.10
Duffy 與好友同萌遊 | Duffy and Friends Play Days

活動焦點 | Event Highlights:
1. 全新春日舞台表演 – Duffy與好友「快樂分享」小劇場
Brand-new Duffy and Friends springtime stage show - Duffy and Friends “Joy of Sharing” Show
2. StellaLou夢想起舞吧
StellaLou’s Wonderful Wishes Ballet
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2024.04.26 – 2024.06.10
Marvel超級英雄匯 | Marvel: Season of Super Heroes

活動焦點 | Event Highlights:
1. 全新日間表演「超能覺醒:史達科技展保衛戰」
New daytime show “Find Your Super Power: Battle for Stark Expo”
2. 全新夜間無人機作戰表演「超能覺醒:空中反擊戰」
New nighttime drone show “Find Your Super Power: Battle in the Sky”
2024.06.09 – 2024.07.07
唐老鴨 90 周年慶祝派對 | Donald Duck 90th Anniversary Party

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2024.06.20 – 2024.09.01
玩轉奇妙暑假 | Turn Up Summer

活動焦點 | Event Highlights:
1. Pixar 水花大街派對!
Pixar Water Play Street Party!
2. 「奇妙唱遊大冒險」加入「魔髪奇緣」章節
New Tangled Segment for “Adventure is Out There!”
3. 「迪士尼尋夢奇緣」夏日版
“Follow Your Dreams” Summer Version
4. 「魔雪奇緣世界」安娜生日慶祝時刻
Anna’s Birthday Celebration Moment at “World of Frozen”
2024.09.13 – 2024.10.31
Disney Halloween Time

活動焦點 | Event Highlights:
1. 迪士尼故事的主角與惡人們成對現身
Disney heroes and villains in pairs
2. 惡人大宅舞會
House of De Vil-lains
3. 惡人舞動迪士尼
Let’s Get Wicked
4. 米奇Halloween玩轉大街派對
Mickey’s Halloween Time Street Party!
5. 阿 Jack 怪誕大餐
Jack Skellington’s The Nightmare Before Dinner
2024.11.15 – 2025.01.01
A Disney Christmas

活動焦點 | Event Highlights:
1. 「魔雪奇緣世界」首個聖誕慶典
First-ever Christmas at “World of Frozen”
2. 夢想成真聖誕樹亮燈禮
“A Holiday Wish-Come-True” Tree Lighting Ceremony
3. 米奇與好友聖誕舞會
Mickey and Friends Christmastime Ball
4. 「星願夢幻 飄雪時刻」
“Wish Upon a Star” Photo Moment
5. 迪士尼聖誕音樂Live!
Disney Christmas Live in Concert!
6. 跨年倒數時刻
New Year’s Eve Countdown
最後更新 | Last Update: 2024.09.08